
Marc Zboch

What is and isn’t Considered Telehealth

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way medical professionals access their patients. The pandemic forced patients to consider whether their medical conditions were an emergency and how they could safely access medical providers. Staying safe when accessing healthcare providers forced millions of patients to access remote video and messaging apps to discuss their health. Marc…

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Benjy Grinberg

How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health

The benefits for your mental health of taking part in any form of exercise have been known for many years. Improving your mental health has become one of the most important aspects of living in the current COVID-19 era. Benjy Grinberg be;ieves there are many different options open to you when you are looking to…

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Frank Roach Dentist

Is Chewing Gum Safe For Your Teeth?

Chewing gums are enjoyed by millions of Americans people all over the world every day. Many of these individuals are familiar with the science and research behind this gum. They maintain that chewing gum is harmful to teeth in many instances. People still chew it because they accept a certain amount of risk in their…

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When You Might Need a Healthcare Attorney

The job of a healthcare attorney is to represent those working in healthcare companies. This is for hospitals and nursing homes to handle practices and regulations. It works with healthcare organizations and professionals for completing contracts. They provide them with advice and aid in making company policies. When the situation has violations attorney Douglas Healy…

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