What To Do If Involved In A Workplace Accident

Slip And Fall

Workplace accidents such as equipment injuries, slips, or car-related injuries can sometimes be complicated. In these situations, it is important to know the step-by-step process if you are involved. Whether you’re a victim, bystander, or even as a person at fault, being aware of the what to do can be helpful to file claims, help someone, or even defend your side.

How common are workplace accidents?

According to Kinney Fernandez & Boire, a company of slip and fall attorney Tampa, accidents are pretty common in high-risk workplace industries. Here are some of the statistics on workplace accidents:

  • The construction industry is reported to have the most frequent occurrences of workplace injuries and deaths.
  • The most common types of workplace injuries are experiencing falls, being struck by objects, electrocution, and being caught between two objects.
  • Occupational safety standards often check for company’s fall protection and other safety guidelines for workers.

Whether you work at high-risk industries or not, it pays to know what to do during an occupational-related accident. This post highlights the steps workers need to understand during such incidents.

What To Do If Involved In A Workplace Accident


  1. Get all the right documentation

During an accident, you may feel overwhelmed by your condition and you may forget what happened at that exact time and place. This is why you need to immediately gather information about the accident when you are physically able to do so. If not, you can contact the local police so that they can make a report of what happened. They can take photos of the environment, gather physical evidence, and also get accounts of people who are witnesses to the accident.

This information is vital if you are planning to seek claims for the accident, prior to finding a slip and fall attorney Tampa.

  1. Seek immediate medical attention for urgent cases

In urgent cases, the most important step is to seek medical help right away. If it is a severe car accident, you will be needing to call 911 for help, whether you are a bystander or a part of the workplace incident.

Medical attention comes first and foremost before any need, as safety will always be the priority before placing your attention on something else. Signs that the person may require immediate medical attention include severe bleeding, unconsciousness, and other signs which indicate loss of orientation or inability to move.

  1. Consult a personal injury attorney

After seeking urgent medical care, you may be faced with expenses which cannot be paid as an out-of-pocket expense. This is where a personal injury attorney can help. Personal injury attorneys are responsible for bridging the gap between your claims and the insurance company’s compensation as well as the settlement that will be given by your company.

For example, if you suffered from a car accident during work, you can consult a car accident lawyer Tampa, such as Kinney Fernandez & Boire. Your designated lawyer will be able to provide a report given your documentation to strengthen your case for the purposes of compensation. The car accident lawyer Tampa are experts in understanding what to put in the reports so that you will be able to maximize the benefits of your insurance and medical claims.

  1. Your attorney will help you file a medical or compensation claim

Some hearings may be required before you can file a large settlement or insurance claim, and this means going through these proceedings to defend your case.

The company might also find someone on their behalf to explain their side, and your personal injury attorney will also help you during this process. This might be possible if you have a major accident which caused you to have a disability, or difficulty to work over long periods of time.

  1. Getting your claim and compensation from your company

After successful proceedings, you can freely claim your compensation both from your insurance and your company. If you are the owner of the car you were driving prior to the accident, you may also be entitled to compensation for a repair.

Your company has several options, depending on the success of your claim. They can either pay for your medical expenses, pay for the time accumulated that you were unable to work due to your injury, or pay for a settlement case depending on the severity of your injury.

The ignorance of the law excuses no one. This is why people need partners to go through complicated processes, especially if they are individuals trying to claim from big companies. Finding your personal injury attorney in your local area may be your best bet to get the right claims after the workplace injury has occurred.


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